
Steering Committee complete again

As a result of the by-election shortly before Christmas, all seats on the steering committee of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles have been filled again.

Kilian Dieckhoff, Managing Director of Karl Dieckhoff GmbH & Co. KG, was able to secure the majority of votes. The new steering committee is now complete. An overview of the entire steering committee and its tasks can be found here. 

The reason for the by-election was the insolvency of member company Deerberg GmbH, as a result of which its elected representative Katrin Kinza had to step down as a member of the steering committee. The election for the vacant seat in the Business Stakeholder Group took place in December 2023 and has now been completed.  

Kilian Dieckhoff is looking forward to his term of office on the steering committee:  

 “The Textile Partnership – with its wide variety of stakeholder groups – was certainly very unusual when it was founded and remains so to this day. It has promoted mutual understanding among many and has also achieved a great deal as a result. 
A lot has changed now. New framework conditions apply in the textile industry. The Textile Partnership must therefore also constantly question and realign itself. 

I hope to be able to provide some impetus here and look forward to being able to help shape this process openly and constructively in the steering committee. Thank you very much.” 

 The Textile Partnership is looking forward to working together, too! 

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