Gender equality
Women workers in the textile industry often face discrimination based on gender, gender identity, ethnicity, religion or disability. Women in particular regularly experience sexual harassment in the workplace, wage inequality, discrimination in career advancement or discrimination due to pregnancy.
How can this discrimination be eliminated and gender-based violence in the textile sector be overcome?
It is important that employees in production facilities are aware of their rights and are sensitized to the issue of gender-based violence. However, the promotion of women in management positions and the strengthening of trade unions and complaints committees as well as the representation of women in these bodies are also important approaches.
Our projects on this focus topic
Reference framework
The Textiles Partnership and its members recognize that gender equality is a necessary condition for sustainable business and work. The vision of the Partnership and its members is a dignified, safe and healthy work place in which all forms of discrimination and violence against all workers are eliminated. This applies in particular to women and other vulnerable groups who are at a higher risk of discrimination.
The Partnership and its members work to ensure the effective participation of employees, especially women, in the work place. In doing so, the Partnership and its members are guided by the relevant international standards and frameworks such as ILO Conventions 100, 111, 156, 175, 183 and 190, the UN Convention on the Status of Women, the Gender Dimensions of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda, which also provide the framework for the European Supply Chain Directive (CSDDD) and the German Supply Chain Act (LkSG).
Further information and links
- UNDP: Gender Dimensions of the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2019).
- Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien: Guidance Document. Due Diligence, Social Audits and Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (2021).
- UN-Frauenrechtskonvention
- Leitfaden Inklusion in textilen Lieferketten (2022)
- Gender Data Indicators L1 (2022)
- Gender Data Indicators L2-L3 (2022)