Due Diligence
It is part of the duty of care of companies that they do not violate human rights or harm the environment in their business activities. The work in the Textiles Partnership is aligned with the guidelines and recommendations of the OECD. Find out more about the core elements of corporate due diligence here.
Sector Risks
Certain risks are particularly common in the textile sector, including human rights and social risks, environmental risks and compliance risks. Eleven sector risks largely reflect the issues on which we are working together in the Textiles Partnership.
Annual Topic
With the annual theme, the Textiles Partnership pays special attention to selected topics. In 2020, the focus was on gender-based violence. In 2021, we will dedicate ourselves to responsible purchasing practices in a special way.
Supply Chain Transparency
Creating transparency in one’s own supply chain means understanding how the supply chain is structured and which actors are involved - this encompasses the entire supply chain and goes beyond direct contractual relationships.
Complaints Mechanisms
The Textiles Partnership supports its members in setting up or participating in effective complaints mechanisms along their supply chain. The Textiles Partnership as an initiative does not have its own complaints mechanism through which an agreement on how to handle a grievance is reached.
Our Contribution to the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations are of great importance for the textile sector and are anchored in the requirements of the Textiles Partnership. Read here how the activities of the Textiles Partnership are paying for the SDGs.