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International Cooperation

The textile industry acts on a global level - as a national initiative, the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles therefore works together with the relevant international initiatives and organisations. The aim is to achieve greater impact locally, utilise synergies and minimise duplication of work.

The Partnership cooperates with initiatives that are committed to a sustainable and future-oriented textile industry on the basis of the ‘OECD Due Diligence Guidance for the Garments and Footwear Sector’. Many members of the Partnership are also involved in other initiatives, so that close cooperation, coordination and mutual recognition of commitment can achieve greater impact and reduce the workload for everyone involved.

ACT Action, Collaboration,

The collaboration allows the members of the Textiles Partnership to use the Self-Assessment-Tool for purchasing practises developed by ACT. On-site cooperations are planned for select production countries in the future.

Frank Hoffer, Executive Director, ACT

“The challenges with living wages are so complex that we can only deliver specific and universal improvements for workers together.”

FWF - Fair Wear Foundation

The cooperation covers the topic of living wages and allows for a professional exchange about complaints mechanisms.

Alexander Kohnstamm, Executive Director, FWF

“Both initiatives want to show that sustainable garment production is possible. We are excited to work together to support companies in shouldering their responsibility in the supply chain.”

Open Supply Hub

The objective of the cooperation is to strenghten transparency in the industry and the collaboration of the respective stakeholders. The PST supports the accessible, collaborative, supply chain mapping platform of the Open Supply Hub.

Katie Shaw, Chief Operating Officer, OAR

'We look forward to benefiting from the deep expertise and extensive network of the Partnership as we work to raise awareness of the OS Hub as an enabling technology for supply chain management and data sharing.'

Organic Cotton Accelerator

The cooperation helps to achieve the joint goal in sustainable cotton. OCA gives Partnership members direct access to small farmers and helps build the necessary capacities for organic cotton production.


The aim is to adapt sustainability requirements for enterprises based on information contained in the OECD Due Diligence Guidance. In this way, equal competitive conditions can be implemented across national borders.

Baptiste Carriere-Pradal, Vice President Europe, Cascale

“By working together, we are customising our initiatives' instruments for brands and retailers. By doing so, we are helping to ensure a level playing field beyond national borders.”

SAICM - Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

In this cooperation, the Textiles Partnership contributes to the international process of chemical safety by sharing sector-specific knowledge.

Textile Exchange

This collaboration aims at harmonising international requirements and standards regarding sustainability in the field of fibres. Additionally, the use of sustainable materials shall be strengthened.

Liesl Truscott, Director of European & Materials Strategy, Textile Exchange

“As an international initiative, Textile Exchange views cooperation with the Textiles Partnership as critical in advancing the use of sustainable fibers in the textile sector.”

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles has been a Supporting Organisation of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action since 2018. It is part of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC).

ZDHC - Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals

The initiatives coordinate their development of training and support materials about chemical management with each other.

Frank Michel, Executive Director, ZDHC

“Together with the Textiles Partnership and its members, we are substituting hazardous chemicals in the production of textiles and thus helping to improve environmental and working conditions in manufacturing countries.”