Partnership Initiatives

Partnership Initiative Tamil Nadu

The Tamil Nadu Partnership Initiative aims to systemically improve working conditions in the textile and clothing industry in the Indian state of the same name, especially for women and girls in spinning mills.
PI Tamil Nadu 2.0: Increased participation, more exchange, but less spinning mills

In November 2021, the second project phase of BI Tamil Nadu was launched. The BI members are now focusing above all on a stronger linking of the modules, a more intensive participation of German companies and an improved complaints system through external monitoring measures.

Instead of reaching as many spinning mills as possible, they now select ten pilot factories per district in order to expand the training in terms of scope and quality. Also new are independent persons for monitoring. They should accompany and review the progress and functionality of the factory's internal complaints committees and exchange ideas with the workers outside the factories.

Through the respective district coordinators of SAVE, a direct exchange between the modules "Dialogue" and "Trainings" is created. The district committees continue to be staffed by representatives from the government, companies and associations, as well as NGOs and trade unions. They set themselves concrete milestones to address the structural problems in the spinning mills and factories and to improve working conditions in the long term.

The involvement of German companies is also to be intensified via the newly created third module "Brand Engagement": In addition to a frequent exchange with all stakeholders, this module shall help the involved companies to increase traceability and transparency of their own supply chains. Furthermore, the companies are to monitor the project at factory level: Tchibo, the Otto Group, KiK and HUGO BOSS AG have each nominated one or two of the total of 40 participating spinning mills and are supporting SAVE in establishing contact and further communication.

In an article under "News" we have reported in more detail about the start of the second project phase:

Experiences and successes of the first project phase

In around 200 spinning mills, a total of 24,500 workers and 2,000 factory managers were trained on labour and human rights standards and more than 240 complaints committees were set up. In addition, the regular exchange at district and federal level between stakeholders from government, business, trade unions and civil society helped to create more trust and transparency and to formulate joint action plans.

Project overview

Objective: Improved working conditions in South Indian spinning mills through functioning complaints mechanisms and continuous social dialogue

Countries India, Germany

Duration 01.11.2021 – 30.03.2023

Key partners: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), HUGO BOSS AG, KiK Textilien & Non Food GmbH, Otto Group, Tchibo GmbH, FEMNET e.V.

Local partners SAVE

Cooperations & support WE Trainers, MSI-TN

Partnership for Sustainable Textiles

c/o Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 36
53113 Bonn
Phone: +49 228 4460-3560

@2023 Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien