
General information

Here you can find all downloads with general information about the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles.

Cooperation Rules (2023)
Factsheet Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (2022)
Factsheet Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien (2022)
Bündnisziele: Sozialstandards
Bündnisziele: Nachhaltige Naturfaserproduktion
Regeln der Zusammenarbeit (2023)

    Application Form


      Partnership Initiatives

      Factsheet Digital Complaints Management and Capacity Building (EN)
      Factsheet Digital Complaints Management and Capacity Building (DE)
      Factsheet Access to Remedy for (Refugee) Workers (EN)
      Factsheet Access to Remedy for (Refugee) Workers (DE)
      Factsheet Joint Grievance Mechanism with Fair Wear Foundation (EN)
      Factsheets Joint Grievance Mechanism with Fair Wear Foundation (DE)
      Factsheet Gender Data Gap (EN)
      Factsheet Gender Data Gap (DE)
      Factsheet Advancing Worker-led Agreements on Gender Justice (EN)
      Factsheet Advancing Worker-led Agreements on Gender Justice (DE)

      Due Diligence

      Developing and implementing your own policy. Guidance (EN, 2022)
      Eine Policy entwickeln und umsetzen. Leitfaden (DE, 2022)
      Infopaper Monitoring (2018)
      Infopapier Monitoring (2018)
      Infopaper Complaints Mechanisms and Remedy (2018)
      Infopapier Beschwerde- und Abhilfemechanismen (2018)
      Identifying and prioritising risks (2020)
      Risiken ermitteln und priorisieren (2020)

        Annual Report

        Seit 2020 veröffentlicht das Textilbündnis seine Jahresberichte nur noch online.

        Report to the 6th Members Meeting (2020)
        Bericht zur Mitgliederversammlung (2020)
        Annual Report 2019
        Jahresbericht 2019
        Jahresbericht 2018
        Jahresbericht 2017


          Information on the review process can be found here.

          Review-Prozess 2021: Bericht des Deutschen Instituts für Menschenrechte
          Step by step through the Review Process (2023)
          Schritt für Schritt durch den Review-Prozess (2023)
          Gesamtkonzept Review-Prozess (2020)
          Identifying and prioritising risks (2020)
          Risiken ermitteln und priorisieren (2020)

            Social standards

            Dindigul Agreement Fact Sheet (2022)
            Guidelines on inclusion in textile supply chains (2022)
            Leitfaden Inklusion in textilen Lieferketten (2022)
            Gender Data Indicators (2022)
            Guidance Responsible Exit (2021)
            Leitfaden Responsible Exit (2021)
            Due Diligence, Social Audits, Gender-Based Violence (2021)
            Living Wage Estimates (2020)
            Existenzsichernde Löhne - Leitfaden (2019)
            Implementing Living Wages (EN, 2019)
            Letter Bangladesh Accord 2018

              Circular economy and climate protection

              Used textiles at Kantamanto market
              Produktklone I - Abschlussbericht
              Produktklone II - Abschlussbericht
              Glossary Circular Economy (2021)
              Glossar Kreislaufwirtschaft (2021)


                Studie Nachhaltige Baumwollproduktionssysteme und ihre Nuancen
                Factsheet zu Baumwollanbausystemen (EN)
                Factsheet Polyester (2023)
                Factsheet Polyamid (2023)
                Factsheet Elastane (2023)
                Factsheet Chemiefasern (2023)
                Factsheet Cellulosefasern (MMCF, 2023)
                Factsheet Acrylfasern (2023)
                Schurwolle. Risikobewertung (2019)
                Wool. Risk Assessment (2019)
                Factsheet Pilotprojekt Bio-Baumwolle (2021)
                Factsheet Pilot Project Organic Cotton (2021)
                How To Go Organic (english)
                Steigerungsziel Baumwolle (2019)
                How to go Organic (deutsch)

                  Chemical and Environmental Management

                  Textil-Abwassermanagement für Marken, Händler und Importeure (2023)
                  Leitfaden: Vermeidung von gefährlichen Chemikalien (2018)
                  Guideline: Preventing the Use of Hazardous Chemicals, Burmese (2018)
                  Guideline: Preventing the Use of Hazardous Chemicals, Mandarin (2018)
                  Guideline: Preventing the Use of Hazardous Chemicals, English (2018)
                  Industrial Training Handbook (UNEP)
                  Wastewater Template

                    Cross-cutting issues

                    Integrität in Unternehmen - Ein Praxis-Katalog
                    Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices (2022)
                    Leitfaden: Einführung Klimamanagement (DGCN, 2022)
                    Assessment of GHG measuring tools (2022)
                    Report on data from purchasing practices surveys (PPA/PPSA, 2021)
                    UNFCCC Climate Action Playbook (2021)
                    Glossary Circular Economy (2021)
                    Glossar Kreislaufwirtschaft (2021)
                    UNFCCC Handbuch zum Klimaschutz (2021)
                    Guide to Transparency in the Supply Chain (2020)
                    Schritt für Schritt zu mehr Transparenz in der Lieferkette (2020)
                    Guidelines: Responsible Purchasing Practices (COVID-19)
                    Leitsätze: Verantwortungsvolle Einkaufspraktiken (COVID-19)
                    Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action
                    Korruptionsprävention in der Lieferkette
                    Letter investor support OECD 2018
                      Asia Garment Hub

                      The Asia Garment Hub is a digital one-stop shop tailored to the garment and textiles sector in Asia, viewed through a lens of Decent Work and Sustainability. On the Hub you’ll find high-quality resources from leading industry organizations and respected voices as well as a collaborative online community, bringing together manufacturers, brands, worker and employer organizations, civil society, and multi-stakeholder initiatives.