Kostenlose E-Learnings zum Chemikalienmanagement


Free E-Learning on Chemical Management

Various harmful and hazardous chemicals are still used in production facilities and textile factories. If these chemicals are used and disposed improperly, there are risks for the workers in the production facilities, for consumers and for the environment. Therefore, good and sound chemical management can contribute significantly to sustainability in the textile sector.

A new e-learning teaches the basics of chemicals management. The aim of the online training is, among other things, to raise awareness of health and environmental risks and to enable to perform risk analysis and implement measures accordingly international standards. In addition, it introduces the seven steps of the cycle of change which closely follow the recommended structure and content of the ZDHC Foundation, with which the Textiles Partnership has been cooperating for a long time.

The training is targeting at the chemical engineers at factory level who are directly involved in improving and implementing chemical management. Using texts, videos and quizzes, they learn how to set up a chemical management and risk system or improve existing structures. It also covers the impact impact of chemicals on wastewater and sludge treatment, health protection and occupational safety.

The online training is available free of charge on the learning platform atingi – initially only in English, from October also in eight other languages (Vietnamese, Mandarin, Urdu, Bengali, Arabic, French, Bahasa, Turkish). The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH GIZ has developed a targeted e-learning based training programme, consisting on the long-term experience o more than 20 years of a resource efficient management of chemicals around the globe.

You can find more information in the flyer.