Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien

New Partnership member: Dachverband FairWertung e.V.

With the Dachverband FairWertung e.V., the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles has gained a new member in the actor group of non-governmental organisations.

The Dachverband FairWertung was founded in 1994 and is a nationwide network of non-profit organisations committed to transparency and sustainability in textile recycling. 130 non-profit organisations work nationwide according to the guidelines of FairWertung, including church institutions, non-profit associations and employment companies. Many run their own second-hand shops. In addition, FairWertung informs consumers about the background and connections of the used textile market and textile recycling.

"We look forward to contributing our expertise at the end of the textile chain to the Partnership in the future, " said Thomas Ahlmann, FairWertung.

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