Putting OECD guidelines into practice
Putting OECD guidelines into practice
In Germany and the Netherlands, companies, trade associations, the government, non-governmental organisations, standard organisations and trade unions have joined forces in national multi-stakeholder initiatives to improve the social, ecological and economic conditions along the textile supply chain.
How are these two initiatives structured and how do they support their members in their implementation? How does their work relate to the OECD Guidelines on due diligence to promote responsible supply chains in the apparel and footwear sectors? What direction will the cooperation of the two initiatives take?
To address these and other issues, the Secretariat of the Alliance for Sustainable Textiles and the Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textiles are organising a joint meeting. Both initiatives present the priorities and latest results of their work and discuss critical issues. In addition, members of both initiatives will demonstrate how the agreement is implemented in practice.
Joint side event at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Clothing and Footwear Sector
Date: Tuesday 30 january
Location: OECD, Paris
Schedule: 11 am to 1 pm