OECD Due Diligence Guidance now available in German


OECD Due Diligence Guidance now available in German

The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment & Footwear Sector sets standards for the textile industry. The social and ecological goals of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiels are strongly aligned with the recommendations and specifications of the OECD. The guidance is now also available in German.

The guidance helps companies to implement due diligence obligations in their supply chains, taking into account key recommendations and requirements; in particular the OECD Due Diligence Recommendations for Multinational Enterprises, the United Nations Guiding Principles and the ILO Core Labour Standards. Moreover, the guidance shows how companies can avoid and remedy potential negative effects of their business conduct and within their supply chains.


The Partnership applies the due diligence approach: a continuous process designed to ensure that corporate due diligence obligations are met both within the company and along its supply chain. This approach is enshrined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and has been adapted to the textile sector by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The key elements of the process include a policy statement, the analysis of risks and impacts, the incorporation into the company’s own business practices and supply chain management, monitoring, remedies and complaints mechanisms, as well as communication.

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