The Partnership

Steering Committee

The strategic steering and further development of the Textiles Partnership is the responsibility of the Steering Committee (SC).

The Steering Committee is the central decision-making body in the Textiles Partnership. This is stipulated in the rules of cooperation (DE and - German multi-stakeholder delegation visits India) as a binding basis for the work of the partnership.

The Committee is composed of twelve representatives of the stakeholder groups business, federal government, non-governmental organisations, standard organisations, and trade unions. The twelve SC members are elected by the members every two years. The last election took place in 2023.

The SC meets once a year for a closed meeting to discuss the general structure and strategy of the Textile Partnership.

Members of the Steering Committee at the Strategy Retreat 2022.
The representatives in the steering committee
FAQ Steering Committee

At the beginning of the term, the Steering Committee decides on the frequency of its meetings. The rules of cooperation prescribe at least two face-to-face meetings per year.

The Steering Committee only has a quorum if at least one member from each stakeholder group is present at the entire meeting. Elected representatives should therefore be able to ensure regular attendance at meetings. If attendance is not possible, members can be represented by another member of their stakeholder group.

The Steering Committee meets at different locations. The location of the meetings is agreed at the latest at the previous meeting. The meetings are held on a hybrid basis.

Representatives of organisations that are full members of the Textiles Partnership - i.e. are assigned to an actor group - are eligible to run for election. Employees of advisory members are not eligible to vote and cannot run for the Steering Committee.

The cooperation in the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles and in the Steering Committee is voluntary.

The election is held via an online tool. Each member organisation entitled to vote will receive access for voting. All full members are called upon to nominate an eligible voter.

Each stakeholder group is elected according to the simple majority principle. Each stakeholder group has as many votes as it is allowed to send representatives to the Steering Committee.

Voting is expected to take place online from 8 a.m. on May 08, 2023, until 2 p.m. on May 24, 2023. If a run-off election is required, it will take place in June.

The new Steering Committee will meet for the first time on 20. September 2023, together with the current steering committee.