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Decision in Textiles Partnership: Implementation of Partnership goals begins in 2017


Decision in Textiles Partnership: Implementation of Partnership goals begins in 2017

After intensive negotiations, the Steering Committee of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles has agreed on the next steps for the implementation of the Partnership's goals by its members. It thus followed the recommendations of the working groups, in which in 2016 almost 300 experts had fought for the implementation requirements for 2017. All members will now present their individual targets by the beginning of 2017; the first review of progress will then take place in 2018.

The three working groups Chemicals and Environmental Management, Natural Fibres and Social Standards and Living Wages have developed key questions and indicators and brought them together in an overall process. All of the Textiles Partnership's stakeholder groups are also represented in the working groups. In the coming year, the working groups will concretise and further develop existing goals and implementation requirements. Previous experience will be incorporated into the updating of the implementation requirements, thus ensuring continuous improvement.

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