
Mitgliederversammlung am 30. November 2022


Mitgliederversammlung am 30. November 2022

Partnership 2023 - Let's get started!

Der Steuerungskreis hat Ende September eine Neuausrichtung des Textilbündnisses beschlossen. Die zukünftigen Schwerpunkte der Arbeit im Textilbündnis werden anhand von drei Basiselementen deutlich:

  • Implementing due diligence
  • Transparenz in Liefernetzwerken
  • Addressing focus topics

Bei der Mitgliederversammlung am 30. November in Hamburg geht es in erster Linie um die Neuerungen. In Workshops widmen sich die Mitglieder den vier Fokusthemen: Existenzsichernde Löhne und Einkaufspraktiken, Kreislaufwirtschaft und Klima, Geschlechtergerechtigkeit sowie Beschwerdemechanismen und Abhilfe.

Darüber hinaus findet eine Paneldiskussion zum Thema  „Die EU Textilstrategie– zukünftige Herausforderungen und Verpflichtungen“. Dabei wird Brigitte Zietlow vom Umweltbundesamt (UBA) einen allgemeinen Überblick über die EU Strategie für nachhaltige Textilien geben sowie die aktuellen Entwicklungen aus heutiger Sicht vorstellen.

Mitglieder finden detaillierte Informationen zur Veranstaltung und zur Anmeldung im geschlossenen Mitgliederbereich.

Die neue Struktur des Textilbündnisses in der Übersicht:

Weitere Informationen lesen Sie auf der Seite „About us“ und im Factsheet.

8:45 am


9:00-09:45 Uhr

Begrüßung und Bericht zu Neuheiten im Bündnis

9:45-10:30 Uhr

Q&A mit dem Steuerungskreis und Bündnissekretariat

10:30-11:00 Uhr


11:00-12:30 Uhr

Session 1

1A Focus on: Existenzsichernde Löhne und Einkaufspraktiken

12:30-13:30 Uhr


11:00-12:30 Uhr

Session 1

1B Focus on: Kreislaufwirtschaft und Klima

13:30-15:00 Uhr

Session 2

2A Focus on: Geschlechtergerechtigkeit

15:00-15:30 Uhr


13:30-15:00 Uhr

Session 2

2B Focus on: Beschwerdemechanismen und Abhilfe

3:30-4:30 pm

Input und Q&A mit dem Umweltbundesamt:

„Die EU Textilstrategie – zukünftige Herausforderungen und Verpflichtungen“


Neue Handreichung zum Integritätsmanagement in Unternehmen


Neue Handreichung zum Integritätsmanagement in Unternehmen

Die Verankerung von Integrität in allen Bereichen unternehmerischen Handelns ist zunehmend eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg. Die Allianz für Integrität und das UN Global Compact Netzwerks Deutschland haben daher eine neue Handreichung erarbeitet, die Unternehmen beim Integritätsmanagement unterstützen soll.

Integrität spielt in der öffentlichen Debatte eine immer wichtigere Rolle – auch und insbesondere im Zusammenspiel mit anderen zentralen gesellschaftlichen Zielen von Klima- und Umweltschutz über der Wahrung von Menschenrechten bis hin zur Förderung von Gerechtigkeit. Verbraucher*innen berücksichtigen bei Kaufentscheidungen auch ethische Erwägungen. Gleiches gilt für Unternehmen bei der Auswahl von Geschäftspartner*innen.

Vor diesem Hintergrund können Unternehmen anspruchsvolleren, sanktionsbewehrten Regularien auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene oft nur dann gerecht werden, wenn sie zusätzlich zu Social Compliance Mechanismen Integrität in ihrer Unternehmenskultur verankern.

Trotz der zunehmenden Relevanz der Thematik und dem daraus resultierenden Handlungsdruck sind viele Unternehmen oft unsicher, wie sie Integrität effektiv in Unternehmenskultur und -praxis etablieren können. Die Handreichung „Integrität in Unternehmen. Ein Praxis-Katalog“ der Alliance for Integrity und des UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland soll Unternehmen daher mit konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen, vielfältigen Best Practice Beispielen sowie erprobten Tools bei der Verankerung von Integrität unterstützen.

Hintergrund: Was bedeutet Integrität?

Die Herausgeber definieren Integrität in der neuen Handleitung so:

„Integrität bezeichnet die Konsistenz von Handeln, Werten, Prinzipien, angewandten Methoden und Maßnahmen, Erwartungen und Resultaten. In der Ethik wird Integrität als eine eigenständige Qualität aufgefasst, die sich in einem intuitiven Verständnis von Ehrlichkeit und Aufrichtigkeit mit Blick auf die Motive des eigenen Handelns zeigt.

Unternehmen verwenden den Begriff in der Regel, um verantwortungsvolles und regeltreues unternehmerisches Handeln und dessen Orientierung an allgemein akzeptierten ethischen Standards und Prinzipien zu beschreiben. Genauer verpflichtet sich ein Unternehmen mit einem Bekenntnis zu Integrität im Sinne einer Selbstbindung dazu, die Geschäftstätigkeit, Entscheidungen und Unternehmenshandlungen so auszurichten, dass moralische Grundwerte eingehalten werden.“

Details und weiterführende Informationen lesen Sie im Praxis-Katalog.



Purchasing practices: Common Framework to guide action in the Partnership


Purchasing practices: Common Framework to guide action in the Partnership

In future, the "Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices" will serve as a foundation to support members to systematically improve their purchasing practices.

Companies have a duty to conduct human rights due diligence for their international activities and revising their purchasing practices is an important element of this. They have the potential to support and enable improved working conditions, the implementation of living wages and better planning and business sustainability among suppliers.

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles has developed the "Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices" (CFRPP) together with other multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs). The document provides companies and MSIs in the textile sector with a common understanding as well as universal points of reference to adapt their purchasing practices and reduce negative impacts on people and the environment.

The Steering Committee has now decided to make the CFRPP the reference framework in the Textile Partnership and thus the guiding principle for action on the issue of purchasing practices. With this decision, the Textile Partnership is also making an important contribution to applying the CFRPP in practice. Companies can use the document to better fulfil their individual responsibility to establish responsible purchasing practices. The initiatives support this by offering workshops and peer learning in working groups, for example.  

In addition, several European companies have joined forces in a "Learning and Implementation Community". The members share practical experiences and thus support each other in implementing the CFRPP. The aim is to develop workable solutions to the various challenges related to responsible sourcing practices and to communitise concrete best practices.

Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices

Several multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSI) have developed the Common Framework for Responsible Purchasing Practices (CFRPP), a unified reference document for the industry. In addition to the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles, the group includes the Ethical Trading Initiative, Ethical Trade Norway and Denmark, Fair Wear Foundation and the Dutch Agreement for Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT, expired in 2021, a new agreement is being planned). The working group has also consulted with ACT (Action Collaboration Transformation), Better Buying Institute, Better Work and amfori.

The framework recognises and emphasises that the responsibility to respect human rights and environmental standards in textile supply chains cannot be placed solely on suppliers, but that purchasing companies must also take responsibility. Action needs to be taken by purchasing companies to amend their purchasing practices, where these undermine good working conditions.

Further information


Welcome to the Partnership: WiBU TextilPlus GmbH


Welcome to the Partnership: WiBU TextilPlus GmbH

We are pleased to welcome WiBU TextilPlus to the Textiles Partnership.

The company from Schleswig-Holstein offers services and products for all textile needs for major customers in the social sector.

WiBU TextilPlus sees quality and durability as particularly important factors for the production of workwear and home textiles. Therefore, manufacturing and distribution processes are based on recognised and common textile standards. For example, selected production companies manufacture exclusively in Germany. All fabric manufacturers and suppliers are certified and committed to compliance with ecological and social standards.

In addition, the company has been in the Green Button certification process for a short time in order to be able to label their products with the governmental, independent textile seal by the end of the year.

Managing Director Simone Kraus explains: "Function and emotion is the value proposition that customers all over Germany should associate with the WiBU subsidiary. We always try to offer a portfolio of quality products with textile added value for the customer. In this way, we guarantee products with a long life cycle and continuously increase our overall performance based on our sustainable development initiative".

You can find more information about WiBU TextilPlus GmbH at https://www.wibu-textilplus.de/.

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Tackle Grievances from Shared Factories more effectively


Tackle Grievances from Shared Factories more effectively

amfori, Fair Wear and the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles (PST) are pleased to announce the signing of a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their collaboration to jointly address workers grievances from shared factories of their various member brands. This collaboration will initially be piloted for a year, with the objective to improve working conditions in our members’ supply chains and to offer learnings for the industry to align access to remedies.

The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) strongly recommends in its Accountability and Remedy Project III that “operators of non-State-based grievance mechanisms cooperate proactively and constructively with each other in order to raise standards and promote good practice with respect to the resolution of grievances arising from business-related human rights harms” .

In global garment supply chains, brands are likely to source from the same suppliers and/or factories. Those brands are often part of member organisations that seek to promote the improvement of working conditions in supply chains by providing (non-judicial) grievance mechanisms.

Production sites where multiple member brands, from different member organisations, source from, offer unique opportunities to pool resources and make a joint impact. With this in mind, and to integrate efforts and avoid overlap, amfori, Fair Wear and PST have agreed to work together to jointly address complaints raised in shared factories. The objectives are to

  • support member brands and their suppliers in resolving complaints
  • align approaches and standards
  • strengthen collaboration among stakeholders
  • provide better (access to) remedy for workers

In line with the OHCHR’s recommendations, this initiative will also help provide a space to test such collaboration between operators of grievance mechanisms, find synergies and align complaint handling, including investigation and remediation steps, across the industry.

In this endeavour, the organisations – in consultation with their main stakeholders – have drawn up a protocol setting out the scope, terms and processes for implementing this collaboration. The protocol does not replace any of the organisations’ complaints mechanisms but serves as an additional “instrument” to escalate incoming complaints whose resolution could benefit from such a collaborative approach While any grievance raised through a channel of the participating organisations may be covered by the collaboration protocol, complaints that are more complex in nature and where the additional leverage and resources provided by the collaboration would allow for better remediation, are more likely to be escalated.

This approach will be piloted for one year from September 2022. Thereafter, learnings and feedback received from various stakeholders during the first year will form the basis for evaluation and adaptation of the collaboration protocol.

Fair Wear has years of experience in handling complaints under its Fair Wear complaints mechanism , that operates in a large number of countries. amfori recently piloted its supply chain grievance mechanism, Speak for Change Programme, in Vietnam and is in the process of rolling it out in other countries. The PST does not have its own grievance mechanism, but promotes mechanisms of other organisations and engages in joint actionto improve access to remedies for workers in their members’ supply chains.

Although amfori, Fair Wear and PST are the first to sign the MoU, it is open for other like-minded organisations to join and learn from this shared experience.

The three organisations look forward to launching this new collaborative initiative to promote better working conditions in their members’ supply chains and learn for better industry alignment on access to remedies.


Abschied Jürgen Janssen


"It never got boring."

Jürgen Janssen leaves the Textile Partnership after 6 years

Since 2016, Jürgen Janssen has been Head of the Textile Partnership Secretariat, which is provided by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Janssen, who holds a doctorate in agricultural economics, has already worked for GIZ in various capacities and is now moving to Ramallah. We asked him a few farewell questions.

Noor Naqschbandi (see introduction below) will take over as head of the Partnership Secretariat.

What have been the three biggest changes in the Textile Partnership over the last five years?

The most important thing was the Steering Committee's decision in 2017 to switch to the due diligence approach to achieve the goals of the Partnership. Here, the Steering Committee has shown real foresight: The clear commitment to the due diligence approach has contributed in no small way to the fact that the Partnership companies are much better prepared for the current and future requirements in the implementation of due diligence and the associated obligations to provide evidence.

Closely related to this is the increasing importance of joint implementation projects in the production countries of the German and European textile and garment industry. Thematically, we are increasingly aligning ourselves with the requirements for the implementation of due diligence. Examples are our projects on Complaints Mechanisms, the payment of higher wages or the general improvement of working conditions, especially for women (PI Tamil Nadu).

We were also able to further develop our cooperation network in the sector. Here, the Corona pandemic has acted as a trend accelerator for all participants towards more division of labour, cooperation and coordination. This development is continuing, and the Partnership would like to play an active role here, especially in order to achieve a greater impact in the countries and at the same time limit the effort for the companies and organisations involved.

What are you especially proud of?

That the Partnership has established itself as a lively learning and dialogue platform in which the actors - companies, associations, the German government, trade unions, NGOs and standard organisations - not only talk about each other, but also with each other and jointly seek (and find) solutions. This makes it possible, for example, for German companies and NGOs to participate in a structured way through the Partnership in the development towards industry-wide complaints mechanisms, to be part of the discussion on a new framework for fair purchasing practices or to participate in current strategies and approaches of the Fashion Charter for Climate Action on Climate Protection .

What challenges is the Partnership facing?

The challenges for the Partnership reflect the challenges we face as people, businesses, organisations and societies. For many actors, it is a balancing act between the need for change and their own abilities to successfully manage these changes. This applies in particular to companies, but also to the other Partnership members as well as the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which continues to support the Partnership.

The discussion on the EU Textile Strategy and its implementation will certainly play a central role. In addition, there is a second balancing act: that between coping with the acute crises, some of which acutely threaten the existence of companies (above all Corona, the Ukraine war, the energy crisis) and the strategic, long-term challenges. In view of this, climate change is pushing its way to the top of the agenda with unpleasant tenacity.

What do you wish the Partnership and its members for the coming period?

At least three things,

  • that the federal government continues to promote the Partnership as an offer of support to business, trade unions and civil society and thus supports the necessary and desired change.
  • that business, trade unions, civil society and the federal government continue to work in a trusting, constructive dialogue to find solutions to the major challenges that the industry continues to face.
  • good luck in achieving our goal of a social, ecological and corruption-free textile and garment industry that creates long-term value and benefits all stakeholders.
Your "last words" as head of the Textile Partnership Secretariat?

The basis for the work in the Partnership is the trusting cooperation between the actors. Creating the basis for this is a very central task of the Partnership Secretariat. This also requires trust, trust in the fundamental neutrality and integrity of the secretariat, in the quality of the professional and methodological support and in the correct assessment of current and prospective developments in the sector and its environment. This trust has been placed in us over the past years - also as an advance payment. I would like to express my sincere thanks for this and for the many exciting moments in the Partnership. In any case, it never got boring.

Farewell words from the steering committee
Noor Naqschbandi takes over as head of the Textile Partnership Secretariat

Noor Naqschbandi has been working for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for over 10 years and has been involved in various schemes and projects, including the German Global Compact Network. From 2015 to 2018, he was programme manager of the Alliance for Integrity, which is also a multi-stakeholder initiative. Thus, he brings experience in working with different stakeholder groups. As Cluster Coordinator in India (2020-2022), he has had occasional exposure to the Partnership Initiative in Tamil Nadu.

"I am looking forward to the exciting work in the Textile Partnership and to going into action together with the members. Not only do we want to be the first point of contact for social and ecological responsibility for companies in Germany, but we also want to strengthen joint activities in the production countries."


Interview on inclusion and diversity in the textile industry


Interview on inclusion and diversity in the textile industry

In an interview with the Asia Garment Hub, Judith Kunert and Luisa Hans talk about the opportunities and challenges of making the textile sector more inclusive.

Companies still face major challenges in meeting their corporate due diligence obligations with regard to discrimination, gender-based violence and harassment in the workplace. These barriers make it difficult for workers to participate equally in the labour market. To help companies make working conditions more inclusive, the Guide on Inclusion in Textile Supply Chains for the Apparel and Textile Sector was published in 2021. It shows how companies and employees alike can benefit from inclusive working conditions and how inclusion can be implemented. 

Judith Kunert, who works on gender and inclusion in the Textile Partnership, and Luisa Hans from the International Association of the Natural Textile Industry (IVN) helped develop the guide. In an interview with Asia Garment Hub, they talk about ways to make the textile sector more inclusive.

Currently, people with disabilities are disadvantaged by the current working conditions in textile factories, which are mostly located in low-wage countries and whose social standards are inadequate. People with disabilities are not only exposed to a higher work risk, but also have difficulties earning the minimum wage, which is usually linked to the number of pieces produced. Individual abilities and potentials are often overlooked and perceived as negative due to existing prejudices.

However, research shows that inclusion and protection against discrimination have an overall positive impact on the working environment and increase social skills, innovation and productivity of employees. So everyone benefits from diversity.

At the same time, inclusion and diversity have to be rethought in the long term and prejudices have to be dismantled in order to give workers perspectives. Luisa Hans on this: "Inclusion does not simply mean that persons with disabilities will be integrated but rather society affirming all talents and capabilities."

Inclusion is a long-term process and requires the constant sensibilisation of superiors and employees. An important step is to give the topic more attention and to promote mutual exchange with those affected. Especially with regard to gender-based violence, the "Me-Too" debate has contributed enormously to putting gender issues and women's rights on the international agenda. There is also a lot of potential in the area of discrimination against people with disabilities and diversity.

Nevertheless, there are already positive developments within the fashion industry, which is slowly addressing the issue. Large fashion companies are increasingly developing inclusive approaches. This would raise questions about inclusion in their own operations and supply chains. Therefore, they need to take action to address the issue.

To raise awareness and interest in the topic, guidelines, publications and public interviews are a good first step. But also exchanges with experts and organisations representing people with disabilities can help to analyse levers and identify physical and other barriers. They can also raise awareness of one's own prejudices and stereotypes.

You can find the full interview here: Disability inclusion: Companies should recognise that diversity is a strength and a reputation enhancer — Asia Garment Hub.


Welcome to the Partnership: Snocks GmbH


Welcome to the Partnership: Snocks GmbH

We are pleased to welcome Snocks to the Textiles Partnership.

The Mannheim-based company Snocks GmbH has been selling socks, underwear and basic clothing since 2016.

Snocks sources its products from China, Pakistan and Turkey. All Snocks suppliers are committed to environmental and social standards. They are members of amfori BSCI and continuously check and improve social standards and working conditions in the value chain.
Since 2021, Snocks has exclusively used certified organic cotton, which is GOTS and OCS certified. In addition, the majority of their products are labelled with the governmental, independent textile seal "Green Button" and fulfil the product certification OEKO-TEX Standard 100.

As an e-commerce-only company, Snocks places particular emphasis on sustainable distribution structures and uses recyclable, FSC-certified shipping packaging where possible to reduce plastic waste.

The company founders Johannes Kliesch and Felix Bauer explain: The company founders Johannes Kliesch and Felix Bauer explain: "As a company, we see it as our duty not only to be profitable, but also to do good for the environment. Therefore, our next step is to record the eco-balance of our products, our transport, our production, our water and electricity consumption. With such an inventory, we can then gradually reduce the footprint of our company. In the future, we also want to live this commitment externally. Currently, we are still working on our strategy on how we want to anchor sustainability in our company core."

You can find more information about Snocks GmbH at https://snocks.com/


Workshop: Risiken in der tieferen Lieferkette adressieren


Workshop: Risiken in der tieferen Lieferkette adressieren

How can companies better record risks along the entire textile supply chain in order to fulfil their social and ecological due diligence obligations in a more targeted manner? In a workshop at the Textile Partnership working meeting in May, around 30 members exchanged views on this.

Für Unternehmen ist es wichtig, die sozialen und ökologischen Risiken in ihrer Lieferkette zu analysieren und zu priorisieren. Bislang beschränkt sich die Risikoanalyse jedoch häufig nur auf direkte Zulieferer (Tier 1) und dringt nicht bis in tiefere Stufen der Lieferkette vor.

Ziel des Workshops „Beyond tier 1 – due diligence risks in the deeper supply chains” war es deshalb, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zu diskutieren, wie Unternehmen Risiken gezielter und systematischer erfassen und so auch in der tieferen Lieferkette ihrer Sorgfaltspflicht besser nachkommen können.

Die Risiken können sich je nach Stufe der Lieferkette oder Produktionsland unterscheiden:

Quelle: Textilbündnis-Handreichung: Schritt für Schritt durch den Review-Prozess.

Input von Silvia Mera

Zu Beginn des Workshops gab Silvia Mera Einblicke in ihrer Arbeit bei von GoodWeave International und wie sie dort, mit Zulieferbetrieben zusammenarbeiten und die Arbeitsbedingungen in den Betrieben überprüfen. Laut Mera sind zwei Aspekte besonders wichtig:

  • Effektive Standards (z. B. Verhaltenskodex), die sich auf alle Ebenen der Lieferkette beziehen,
  • Inspektionen und Überwachung (z. B. unangekündigte schnelle Fabrikaudits) Abhilfe und Vorbeugung (z. B. Bewusstseinsbildung, bei Heimarbeitern auch auf Ebene der Familie)
Vertrauter Austausch, anstatt einseitiger Top-Down Maßnahmen

Risiken zu ermitteln, gestaltet sich vor allem dann schwierig, wenn Unternehmen keinen direkten Kontakt zu ihren Lieferanten haben oder ihre tiefere Lieferkette nicht kennen. Die Komplexität und Vielzahl an Akteuren erschweren den Austausch über soziale und ökologische Risiken. Diese Distanz lässt sich nicht mit einseitiger Kontrolle seitens der Unternehmen verringern, sondern erfordert den langfristigen Aufbau vertrauensbasierter Beziehungen in der tieferen Lieferkette.

Einheitliche Standards und Instrumente können helfen, Akteure in der tieferen Lieferkette zu motivieren, Risiken gemeinsam mit Geschäftspartnern zu adressieren und auf Missstände aufmerksam zu machen.  Gleichwohl fehlten bislang einheitliche Standards, an denen Unternehmen sich orientieren können. Im Higg Facility Social & Labor Module (FSLM) sahen die Teilnehmenden ein geeignetes Tool, das produzierende Unternehmen anhand von neun sozialen Kategorien unterstützt, die Arbeitsbedingungen in ihrem Betrieb zu analysieren und zu verbessern.

An Ende des Workshops stand dieses Fazit: Derzeit gibt es keine umfassenden Standards oder Empfehlungen, um sozialen und ökologischen Risiken in der gesamten Lieferkette systematisch anzugehen. Für Marken bedeutet dies, dass sie viel Zeit und Mühe aufwenden müssen, um mit ihren mit ihren Tier-2-Lieferanten in Kontakt zu treten und vertrauensvolle Beziehungen aufzubauen, um die Arbeitsbedingungen zu verbessern.

Risikobasierter Ansatz im Textilbündnis

Eine individuelle Risikoanalyse anhand von elf sozialen, ökologischen und Korruptions-Risiken (Sector Risks) ist daher Grundlage der Berichterstattung im Textilbündnis (Review-Prozess). Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Risikoanalyse und Risiko-Priorisierung leiten die Unternehmen Ziele und Maßnahmen ab, um potenziellen Risiken vorzubeugen und tatsächliche negative Auswirkungen abzumildern.

Weitere Infos zum Review-Prozess: Der Review-Prozess – Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien (textilbuendnis.com)



Xhaferi-Salihu: Climate transition as risk and opportunity


Xhaferi-Salihu: Climate transition as risk and opportunity

Guest commentary by Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu

Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu leads the work at the United Nations on the engagement of various industries for climate protection. She also played a leading role in the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action. At the Textile Partnership working meeting in May 2022 , she participated as one of six experts in the panel discussion “Mitigating climate risks in the textile and garment industry: How to achieve the 2030 goals of the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action“.  

Below you can read excerpts from her guest article in the Textile Partnership Annual Report 2021. The full article can be found in the online Annual Report 2021.

More and more actors in the textile and fashion industry are becoming active

Over the last three years, it became apparent that many organisations in the textile sector were intensifying their climate protection efforts. More and more companies focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy and low-carbon logistics. Others have set targets for low-carbon materials and are focusing on circular economy and regenerative agriculture. 

Xhaferi-Salihu observes many innovations, but also points out that these have not yet taken place on a large scale and that the efforts of individual actors are not sufficient to achieve the necessary substantial changes.

Climate change is not a question of business competition and can only be tackled together

These changes required great leaps in energy efficiency, renewable power generation and the development of cutting-edge technologies. Xhaferi-Salihu points out that more and more solutions are emerging and companies should consider all available tools and use those that are best suited for them.

What is needed is an "inclusive multilateralism". By this, the expert means mutually reinforcing intersections between all actors involved. She sees this as perhaps the only chance to advance ambitions that will lead to the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs:

"This sector can do so much to not only take direct climate action but influence the action of others. The Paris Agreement shows that we, as a people, as humanity, should and can work together towards positive change. But we must all work together to make it happen – in all parts of society and in all parts of the world for the benefit of all people for generations to come."

The benefits outweigh the costs in the long run

Climate protection and adaptation are associated with considerable costs. In the long run, however, these expenses pay off. This insight is also gaining ground in the financial world - in favour of companies that have a plan for low-carbon and resilient development. Xhaferi-Salihu's urgent appeal: the fashion industry must seize this opportunity.

You can find the whole article in the online Annual Report 2021.