Better Buying Partnership Index Survey


Better Buying Partnership Index Survey

The Partnership for Sustainable Textiles supports The Industry We Want's push for an annual assessment of the industry’s state of purchasing practices.

To create the Purchasing Practices Metric of The Industry We Want the Better Buying Institute has now launched the Better Buying Partnership Index (BBPI). The index is designed to measure the quality of supplier relationships and is based on aggregated data from a survey (10-15 minutes)which is available free of charge to all suppliers through November 19, 2021 . The goal is to reach as many suppliers as possible to get the most comprehensive picture of the state of purchasing practices in the industry.

The results will be presented at the OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector in February 2022.

Annual Topic 2021: Responsible Purchasing Practices

In 2021, the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles pays special attention on responsible purchasing practices. More info on the annual topic 2021.